Increase the online visibility of your business with SEO techniques.

Stay at the top of search results.

Dominating the digital space is essential for the success of your business. Having a website alone isn’t enough to establish authority if you can’t stand out among user query results. That’s where SEO optimization comes into play!

Climb the pages of Google quickly with tailored strategies to enhance the user experience, such as optimal search intent, site speed, excellent UX, high-quality external links, and authority.

Find out how
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What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which encompasses all the actions aimed at optimizing the visibility and ranking of a website in search engines.

How is it done concretely? 

First of all, it’s essential to identify the most relevant search intents in your industry, optimizing existing content or creating new ones (such as text, images, videos).

Check the website’s structure, code, and page loading speed to provide the best user experience and communicate content correctly to search engine crawlers. These factors, known as Core Web Vitals, are crucial for the website’s success.

Building high-quality backlinks from other websites increases credibility in the eyes of search engines while monitoring SEO performance allows for ongoing improvement.

The additional use of artificial intelligence provides valuable insights into keyword selection and their optimal placement within content.

SEO requires ongoing effort, but it can make a significant difference in growing your business through indexing.

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We’ve got this!


The mission of HT&T Consulting is to assist the clients in achieving top positions in organic search engine results.

We offer comprehensive SEO services to lead businesses towards digital success, structured into 4 main activities

SEO Tech

Based on optimizing the technical layout of your website so that product pages and intermediate pages offer content that meets search engine standards. We verify the correctness of the code generated by your Content Management System (CMS) to ensure that page content is interpreted by search engines.

SEO Content

Focused on creating quality content and keyword selection.

Page Experience

It’s essential to check technical aspects as well, such as the structure of internal pages, the presence and hierarchy of elements, meta tags, and 404 pages. We monitor user searches for the creation of specific, relevant, and valuable content for the user.

Content Strategy

It focuses on the authority of the website through authoritative link-building campaigns in the industry, online presence on digital channels, and constant performance measurement using analytics. This way, we make the websites perfectly indexable and capable of intercepting the user at the right moment of their digital customer journey.


We offer our clients regular reporting with in-depth analysis of search queries, rankings, and user behavior on search engines.

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Do you have an idea? Let’s bring it to life together!

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Do you want to know how SEO can help your business?

Discuss it with Giuseppe!

Giuseppe PaneHead of Analytics

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